Your conditioning is one tank of fuel, use it wisely.

Understand how to train & use your fuel for improved performance. For a 3 round fight or 100km Mountain Bike Ride. Regardless of how fit you are, you only have one tank of fuel. Your fuel tank is your energy, your fitness, and your ability to keep performing. You can be super fit and still […]
The 5% rule for success and peace.

Life is competitive. If you disagree with this, then you never had to apply for a job, lined up for a tram, or competed at sport. When everyone is competitive you want to be closer to the front of the pack to get the good stuff or at least have more options. You may not […]
Integrity in your training transcends your life!

You test & develop your integrity every time you train. Integrity in training is simple, however it is a strength that needs to be practiced in every workout and every life choice. Integrity is having the character to do what needs to be done, to the standard required, under pressure, when you are tired and […]
How to Keep Fit & Healthy in your 50’s, 60’s and beyond.

The hardest part for most articles is catchy and relevant heading to get your interest. This article could have been called: This blog is not written only for people over fifty. The best way to have healthy and fit training in your fifties and beyond is to start the discipline, habits, and lifestyle as early […]
Weight management & weight cutting for a healthy athlete

Weight management & Weight Cutting for Competition This article is simple, short (for me) and just an initial guide and opinion based on experience. I am not a dietician, I am an experienced trainer, athlete and fit active person who is very healthy and moving into my late 50’s. Weight management is life. What you […]
Train your psychology (mental game) to improve performance

Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand every moment of your life. This article is a simple guide extracted from the Phoenix Fight Team Booklet to give you a start in considering the critical importance of psychological development for preparing for the demands of competition and training. A topic you should read more about, […]
Head Contact – A Fact in Muay Thai

A Blunt Training Words Series. Head contact and concussion. Head Contact Must be an integral part of training. Concussion is real. You will get hit in the head, Learn more about concussion and follow a professional training plan to manage risk in training. Plus, other risks are now prevalent including insurance claims. Read this article […]
Benefits of Kids Participating in Muay Thai

Watch this video on the benefits of Kids participating in Muay Thai
Loyalty, lineage and how it benefits your training and life.

At Phoenix we encourage loyalty to the club you train at for your benefit. Loyalty is a positive character trait and if you are loyal to who trains you, who trains with you and commit as part of the team you will benefit. You can train at Phoenix and be a member at any other […]
Training to be a Fighter.

Fight Training. Being a fighter and general blunt advice. February 2024. Fighters are athletes. Everyone needs a team, a support base, and a great trainer. In the fight, you are the one that must perform, trust and believe in yourself, your preparation and your team. You should watch the level of fights that you are […]