
Muay Thai Coach

Kate – ‘the indefeatable’ Kate ‘She Hulk’ and never quiet Kate is a fantastic Muay Thai coach and role model. Kate joined Phoenix in 2017 after being dragged (crying and screaming ) to a trial class with a friend. The classes were hard, she was unfit but enjoyed it and stayed because she loved being challenged and couldn’t think of a better way to improve her fitness, than punching and kicking things. As a high school teacher, this stress release was incredible and balanced out her whole life.

Initially she would train twice per week, needing the time to recover but soon Phoenix became a second home. AS she trained more, she loved it more. In 2020, Kate joined the fight team and started training more competitively. Kate is undefeated and plans to stay that way. She is now a professional athlete and one of the highest ranked females in Australia. She is now the fittest and strongest she has been in her life, having lost 40kg since starting and enjoying running! The coaches at Phoenix really inspired her to be the best and taught her to be resilient and face challenges head on, not just at the gym.

Kate is now a regular coach and enjoys inspiring others and contributing to Phoenix.