Jared began his Phoenix Journey when he came into the gym to do weights and liked the fact that the place was empty, had no mirrors and wasn’t full of meatheads. That way he could be left in peace. He soon got interested in the guys punching each other in the face and jumped in to give that a go. He soon learnt that the tough guys at Phoenix, often don’t look like it, are female, nerdy and just good people that work hard.
Captain Scott ‘Spiderman’ joined Phoenix in 2007 and has practically never missed a days training in over 12 years. Scott joined when he weighed over 100kg from body building and is now a lean and fit machine, who sets a training example to inspire everyone. He soon found the love and benefits of martial arts …
Olivia started her Phoenix journey when she was 14 years old and rapidly progressed in the system due to her experience at sport, her athleticism but mostly because of her relentless to improve. Olivia was an ‘A’ grade soccer player as a teenager but soon got addicted to the harder physical training and contact sport elements of Phoenix training. As a junior in her first sparring sessions, she ….
Ben has been doing Kickboxing and Muay Thai since he joined Phoenix in Sept 2009. Ben competed at Kickboxing, K-1 and Muay Thai as far back as 2010. Ben’s training continued however competition took a step backwards for him to focus on his new family. …
Kate ‘the indefeatable’ – Kate ‘She Hulk’ and ‘Never Quiet’ Kate is a fantastic Muay Thai coach and role model. Kate joined Phoenix in 2017 after being dragged (crying and screaming ) to a trial class with a friend. The classes were hard, she was unfit but enjoyed it and stayed because she loved being challenged and couldn’t think of a better way to improve her fitness, …

Henry’s journey into the world of Muay Thai started at the age of 17, he was an avid soccer player, committed to the team sport he had loved since childhood. Despite his dedication, Henry had a want to try individual sports….